My Name is Anagha Ramachandran and I live in
India is Country whose
ancestors loved and worshiped nature. They believed nature to be the God.
But as years passed by,
people with their busy lifestyles have long forgotten the mother Nature...
Reasons of
starting my Zero-Waste Lifestyle
I always had an interest
in gardening especially planting fruits and veggies at home rather than buying
from markets, which might have sprayed pesticides or other chemicals, which are
not good for our health.
The moment
that inspired me of zero-waste Lifestyle was, a few days back when i happened to
see YouTube video of Lauren Singer, who lives a zero-waste Life for the
past 5 years in New York...
I just took a
look all around my room and was shocked to see all the places were messed up
with plastic, plastic and plastic.
At this moment, i took a
decision to start my zero-waste Journey, as an individual its my responsibility
to lessen the consequences that harm our nature.
From this Blog
"Rescue Our Earth", i wanna to take a chance to make people aware of
the harmful impact and how to reduce plastic wastes and gradually to a
zero-waste lifestyle through my experience as a beginner step-by-step. This
blog will include the simple and cost-effective ways to go with zero-waste
lifestyle and its very simply that all of you can do it.
Small changes
in your day-to-day habits can make a Big difference and definitely
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